The Colombian cuisine is the product of the mixture of three main ethnic groups that populated our land : indigenous , Spanish and African . This mixing defines not only our culinary identity but also cultural identity and population of our country.

The Colombian cuisine is the product of the mixture of three main ethnic groups that inhabited our territory.
Thus there is now a wide variety of dishes in our country essentially responding to a symbiosis of these three cultures.

Colombia Hispanic , tubers and fruits dominance

The eating pattern of the pre-Hispanic population was mainly marked by the consumption of native products from agriculture and hunting, among which predominated a variety of tubers and fruits .

Spanish contributions to Colombian cuisine : meats and spices

Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries following the discovery of America, new ingredients were incorporated into the Indian diet , forming the basis of the Colombian Andean cuisine . Rice , pulses , meat from different animals , sugar , wheat , vegetables and spices , and new preparation techniques using pewter utensils are some of the most important contributions to Spanish gastronomy.

African culinary tradition , chips and sweets

The third most important contribution comes with Africans brought in colonial times to work as slaves in the mines and cane fields. Cooking techniques such as stir fries, sweet preparations such as jam, stacked cereal , sauces , seafood and tubers like yams and bananas are blended with indigenous and Spanish contribution , creating a culinary identity for each region of Colombia .

Some ingredients Arab

It is significant also highlight the importance of Arab and European migration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, who brought their cuisine and applied to all kinds of dishes and ingredients , especially in the Caribbean region and the Greater Santander.